
Showing posts from 2021

On Writing Your Own Poetry

  Why should you write your own poetry? For most of my life I didn’t think much of poetry, I much preferred prose. I found hard to read. There were only a few poems that I understood or liked written by poets such as Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Frost, or T S Eliot. But I’ve been home a lot lately so I’ve had the time look at poetry again. And I have found that writing my own poetry is fun and rewarding. I believe that if you try it, you will find this too. My first poems were pretty bad. I wrote them down and then forgot them. Luckily I saved them. Year later I went back and re-wrote them and they have become some my favorites Here is a poem I wrote 20 years ago, Lunch Hour in the City I escape my office to walk a busy street, Through a stream of people in the summer’s heat. Silent faces in a human hive,   Does anyone here know that I’m alive?   Cars go by in transparent smoke. Their fumes are making me cough and choke. Demolition workers laugh, they’re having fun,

My Experiences in a Controlling Cult

  What is cult mind control and why should we be concerned about it? A cult is a group of people with extreme dedication to a leader or set of beliefs. There are the more obvious cults like the Moonies and the Hare Krishnas.   You may think that you would never fall for something that silly. But there are many cults that appear as conventional religious, therapeutic, business, or philanthropic groups. Many of them use covert manipulation to gain recruits and control their members.   If you aren’t aware of this, you are vulnerable. How does cult mind control work? The purpose of cult mind control is to get you to drop your reliance on your own judgement and depend on the doctrines of the cult or the authority of its leader. This is done in order to make you a tool for the cult’s use.   Cults try to manipulate you in many ways. For example, by bombarding you with loving attention, by playing on your idealism, your fears, your pride, or your greed. All the while presenting a beni